Sunday, April 22, 2012

Social Media Project (Clear)

I have to say that group work is not my favorite type of project, but I got lucky with the group I was with. They handled the situation professionally and got their parts submitted in a timely manner.

I enjoyed this project because I really enjoyed looking at the social media platforms in an in-depth way to see how a company like Chick-Fil-A used just about everyone of them in a competitive advantage.  Chick-Fil-A is a very popular restaurant that has an amazing brand image and awareness within the United States.  They had some issues a few years ago about gay rights, but used social media to reach their audience quickly to explain their situation.  They stated that they are a Christian company based on Christian values and when they donated to the so-called "hate group" they illustrated that they had no issues with who eats at Chick-Fil-A, they just liked what that organization was pushing.  They had no alliance with the organization and just supplied food for them.  I thought that they used their social media outlets very effectively and to this day, after researching with my group, I recognized why Chick-Fil-A has such a positive image in today's market.

It's pretty amazing how communicating through social media can make things a lot quicker.  I never met the people who I worked with personally, but we connected through those interfaces to get our point across about Chick-Fil-A.

We split the research rather evenly.  I took care of the Facebook and Twitter pages which were both very visual and were maintained by someone with Chick-Fil-A.  Those individuals would tweet back to customers and fans of the brand and even negative posts would be taken into consideration and the employees of the company were very good in catering to those individuals personally.  The sites also gave tons of information about the menu, showed where you can download coupons and made the brand image of Chick-Fil-A a more personal experience.  When individuals have the chance to get connected with a large company on an intimate level, it really improves the brand's image and market to a global audience.

Below are two snapshots of the company's Twitter and Facebook.  It's pretty amazing how they have come so far.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Week 11: Database (muddy)

Database software is not my favorite to work with.  To be honest, it seems a bit out of date.  When I was working with Filemaker Pro, I just didn't enjoy the entire process.  I appreciated professor Olson going in-depth with the tutorials, and it made a lot more sense in that regard.

I don't think that the features were too hard to get down, but the overall process was a tad tedious.  I feel that it was important to learn more about database software, but since I will be dealing with a more presentation-oriented career, I may be a tad bias.

I liked the organization factor of using this software.  When watching the lectures that professor Olson presented, I felt like this type of information was going to be a lot more enjoyable to work with than Excel.  To be honest, they were very similar and maybe that is one of the main reasons I didn't do as well in comprehending the software.  Even though I felt this way, I wanted to research and see if anyone else had any negative views on the program.  It seems I was not the only one.  This website Click Here, illustrated a numerous amount of pros/cons and it made me realize that these programs are becoming a lot less used than ever before.  Hopefully there will be some improvements in the user friendliness in the future of designing database programs.

For a more in-depth blog on my experience with the database project, please view my previous blog posts.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Week 13: Social Media (Clear)

Social networking is extremely important to today's society and how we communicate on a more intimate level.  Without social networking, it is obvious that it is harder to communicate on a global scale.  I have to say, it's fascinating that people 30 years ago didn't even have cellphones and were able to be as successful as they were.  I think that social media is perfect when used correctly and it's important to recognize that just because you have a good social networking page/site, it doesn't make the company successful overnight.  A lot of passion and creativity has to go into funding, creating and maintaining these sites and keep it as personalized as possible is ideal.  No one likes to speak to a computer.  When we receive telemarketer calls, how annoying is that?  People will become engaged when they want to become  engaged.  Giving them the power and time to invest in your product is ideal.  Most people that want to talk good about your product will do so.

As a Public Relations major, I have had a lot of experience with social media.  I use it on a daily basis to communicate effectively with clients and noticed that it's almost the easiest ways to do business.  When building a social media page, it's important to not be pushy, but get your name out there.  Even if the comments are somewhat negative, you can still turn this into a positive.  For example, when BP had their recent crisis with the oil spill, everyone wanted to hate them.  Now I am not saying what they did and how they handled the situation was ideal, but if you have noticed lately, they have done a lot with their twitter, Facebook and overall communication efforts through new media.  They have ways that you can donate to help fund small town people effected by the disaster and keep you updated 24 hours on how they have made a difference.  Eventually, BP will generate enough corporate social responsibility to improve their image and in the long run, gain back the business from those who were effected by their disastrous situation.

I enjoyed professor Means breaking down all the different types of social media and providing a background of their importance and strengths.  It's amazing that the richest companies and professionals in the world use social media so extensively and that should be a sign of how the world will be in the future.

Here is a really cool video on ways that you can improve your social media and get people to take your company or brand more seriously.  It's full of motivating texts and really makes you take social media seriously.  Let me know what you think.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Telecommunications and the internet (Clear)

I have to say that I thought I knew a lot about the internet, but this weeks informative lectures were extremely beneficial to me better understanding its beautiful complexity.  The thing about the internet being a group of large networks that are connected to gain more visitors was astounding, and how we have more information online than people is just crazy to me.  It was interesting to learn about the access providers and how many different types of companies profit from the Internet.

I'm a big fan of seeing how far society has come and when the first form of computing was introduced in the 1950's I am just astonished by how far we have come.  It's hard to believe that just 20 years ago, the internet made it's debut and I can't even tell you how we, today's society, could even imagine life without it.

I really appreciated learning more in-depth basics on URL, various protocols, and how IP addresses work.  I found that we have no privacy online whatsoever, and it was cool to see how the process of the internet works through a simple click of a button.  I also knew very little about "cookies" and it was interesting to see how using cookies is beneficial to some extent, but can also be very annoying as well.  I now know why when I make purchases online, my financial information is already updated.  This made me a little more cautious of how I should post my information.  It have gotten lazy in recent years, posting a lot of really personal information, when looking back, that may have been a bad idea.

I really enjoyed the videos that professor means posted throughout the interface.  The short video breaking down the history of the internet was really cool and I appreciated that visualization.  I also found that 4G, apparently doesn't exist yet, and I felt dumb for that one, lol.

Overall, this week was really informative and made me appreciate what we take for granted.  I look for to the innovative advances in technology and hope that the process is successful and becomes safer for tomorrow's youth.

This is a cool video on the next 10 years in technology by google.  Wow, what will they think of next?

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Smarterer: Extra Credit (Clear)

So I decided to give Smarterer a try and wow.  This is a really cool way to teach yourself to learn popular software programs in a unique way.  I am obviously extremely interested in Facebook, so I looked into the leaders section of Smarterer and found that Aiko Stanley, was the leader and had a master level in the subject.  I decided to message him (which he never responded) and then wanted to see if I could test my skills against his.  Below is a picture of his score.  You can see mine in the picture above (which is my profile).

After taking the quiz, I felt that I knew a few things here and there, but struggled with it being timed.  Some of the questions were worded differently, which made me select the wrong answer, but it was cool because I retook it and wrote down some things that I wanted to learn more about and then googled proper ways to improve that misunderstanding.  I think this is a great social media outlet, but other than seeing this link in this course, I've never heard of Smarterer before.  It would be nice if it was a little more hands on, illustrating in a video format things you got wrong, and showing you how to properly make the right decision down the road.  I'm sure that the operators and creators of the software would appreciate that as well.  

Well, hope you all enjoyed reading this.  Have a great day!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Database Project: Filemaker Pro (Clear)

I have to say I was a little afraid of this project, but after going through professor Olson's steps, it was a lot easier to understand.  I liked the hands-on approach from using Filemaker Pro and appreciated its simplicity after obtaining further knowledge through more usage.  I have heard that Filemaker is not as helpful or user friendly as Access, but I didn't see the huge issue in its services.

I liked how you could categorize all the people by their county in which they lived.  This was a lot more professional looking and I thought it was helpful in organizing all that data.  The find options were a little strange and I wish those would be more easy to work with.  The sort button has to be the best thing about Filemaker Pro.  You can analyze a lot of data by the simple click of the mouse.  Picking the way you want to organize it was also a really helpful factor.

Before I took ISM 3004, I had no idea that database software like this was even used or existed before.  I have heard of Access (but didn't know anything about it), but since becoming a proud macbook user last year, I knew I had to adapt to using a program I was unfamiliar with.  But that is indeed the reason we as students take courses like this.  I look forward to more hands on projects, considering I struggled with Excel as much as I did.  Being able to manage your employees, salaries, even the dates a customer quits using your facility, is really important information to know as a hopeful future business person.

After completing the scavenger hunt, I viewed this video.  It helped me get a quick understanding of how to operate through Filemaker Pro more effectively, and perhaps it can help you guys use this software more effectively in the future as well.

Thanks for reading everyone.  Have a great weekend.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Filemaker Pro (Muddy) Week 10

I have to say that I appreciate learning about organizing databases, but these programs can be difficult to get started with.  I enjoyed analyzing data, learning about producing queries, which are ways to view the info from certain data sets.  Database software makes the process of isolating data easy, but the queries are still a bit strange when it comes to productivity.  

The reports sections were better in my opinion.  It looked more professional and after it's all analyzed and broken down, it is easier to work with.  There are several options of data that help you set up the report, but I wish it was easier to work with. 

There is no limitations on how information can be organized, sorted or displayed to produce a productive satisfaction the user.  I look forward to furthering my skills in database software, and building a more aware knowledge will defiantly help me in the long run.  

After I went through professor Olson's lectures, I did some more research and found this video, which was helpful in furthering my experience.  

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Week 9: Moore's Law (Clear)

This was a really interesting part of this semester.  The thing I enjoyed the most is just looking at how technology has grown since I was born in 1988.  It's pretty fascinating how someone like Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel, came up with something that has been the driving force of the computing industry.  

Dr. Michio Kaku made some really good points and theories about the future.  I thought it was interesting how when he was asked these questions, he simply had a unique view.  I liked how he didn't portray himself as a the smartest person in the world.  Maybe that's why he's a theorist.  At the end of his video he stated this quote:

"By the end of the century, we could have machines as smart as monkeys, which could be dangerous."

Is the death of Moore's law the beginning and transition of our society into becoming a type 1 civilization?  Being that we're currently a zero civilization (we live off plants and resources like oil) it's crazy to me to think how future people in America will get their nutrients etc.  It's an exciting thing to think about, but will the world simply destroy itself and humanity?

Another interesting impact on me was that there are more types of things on the internet than there are people in the world!  That was astounding.  I feel that if we keep improving, it's only a blessing in disguise.  Yes, invisibility would be amazing to experience, but the crime rates would skyrocket.  It's also something that people will get used to.  With the internet, i'm still astonished by how great it is, but take it for granted.  I also never realized how much I use it on a regular basis.  From waking up and seeing where the bus is, to applying for jobs.  It's amazing how people did these types of accomplishments without any electronic devices back in history.  

Check out this video.  This is another guy that I found that was interesting.  He was a little more focused on the actual outcome, instead of theory.  Enjoy!


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Excel Project

I have to say, I'm not an Excel person.  I tried my best to make sure that I did that project correctly, and it took me about 4 hours to do.  I know that some people probably flew right through this, but I have to say it was a struggle.

The good part is that I did learn a lot.  I thought that the pivot tables section was going to be easier, but I was wrong.  I liked seeing how you can take such vast amounts of data and format them into an easier-to-see data package.  I found that roughly 90% of males and females obtained a total average from the start of their exercise to the highest heart rate point of the exercise.  It was also interesting to see how the ages, categorized by a decade, demonstrated a lower or higher performance.

I plan on using excel more often to get better at performing its strengths.  I think that if I become more familiar with it assets, I myself can further my strengths in performing at a higher level for my clients.  As a Public Relations student, I haven't had to use Excel that much, but after this assignment, it makes me want to learn more.  Even though this was not the funnest assignment to date, it was probably the most beneficial to my future.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Avatar: Extra Credit

So I had the pleasure of creating my own avatar.  I have to say, this is an interesting feature that you can easily do for a little fun.  I think that avatars were a great way to keep things "secretive" and not give away your full identity.  What do you guys think?  Is this a decent portrayal of myself?  I was a little disappointed with the accessories and types of clothing options, but it's a free site, so i appreciated the simplicity of the creation process.  I used the site, DoppelMe, considering I have heard so many positive things about the site.  

I think the coolest part of creating an avatar, is being able to change your appearance by your moods and what's going on in your life.  Obviously, if i was more engaged with using avatars, i would have a cast on my foot at the moment.  I broke my foot this week and would have updated the avatar with crutches and a cast on my left foot.  Being that this is a free site, it gives you the limited use of clothing and accessories and gets the job done, so there is not too much to argue with.  

I enjoyed this process, considering i have not made an avatar for myself since obtaining an Xbox a few years back.  I wish that avatars were used more frequently.  They are definitely a lot of fun!

Google Plus (extra Credit): I'm not a big fan

I've heard a lot about Google + over the past year, but I have to say, it's nothing more than a glamorized twitter and Facebook combination.

I explored the social networking site to see the main differences, and in my opinion, I can't really tell you what's so great about it.  Pulling people into your "circle" is almost the same as adding them as a friend in the first place.  I think this would have been more uplifting and successful if it would have built a better marketing campaign.

I know that Google is the best search engine in the world, but this company flopped in trying to keep up with a large social media outlet like Facebook.  The thing about Facebook that has been so amazing is that when it was keeping up with Myspace, it focused on staying simple and didn't copy Myspace's interface.  It focused on people building connections.  I think that the main reason people are so upset with Facebook is because it has gotten so global.  People need to understand that when they sign in to a social media site, it is becoming public, which can be dangerous.  If you feel the need to say something when you're drunk, angry etc., you need to realize that that form of action can lead to consequences.

I have been a Facebook subscriber for about 5 years now and it has somewhat taken over not only my life, but the way everyone communicates.  It's becoming a trend.  It's easier to "Facebook" someone before you get phone numbers.  It's a way to introduce your friends to co-workers and build a better form of communication in your spare time.

As far as the poll goes, I think a lot of people were simply excited about the "new" platform.  Everything that google does is spectacular and I think since their branding is so positive, many new people wanted to believe that Google Plus was going to be just as successful.  Facebook works and I don't really see a reason to try to compete with it right now.  Eventually, like every other social media outlet, this will become boring and new platform will begin to merge into the internet trend.

I think that Google just came out too early.  They should pull back and begin planning and brainstorming new ways that they can be extremely different and also figure out a way to market their product to compete with the mega giant, Facebook.  Most of the people that chose Google Plus over Facebook were haters.  Haters are obviously going to look elsewhere.

It's very similar to liking a sport.  You have your baseball fans and football fans.  Sure there are going to be people that are open minded and like both sports, but there is always going to be that one fan that wants to hate or argue why one is better than the other.  There is never going to be a "perfect" platform, but it's important to realize that sometimes you have to give one site it's glory and be patient with your future products.

Google made millions upon millions of dollars last year and has been around way longer than Facebook.  You (Google) had your turn.  Don't be the next most hated company on the internet.  That's a great way to lose your branding.  cough cough (Metallica vs. Napster).

If you have any suggestions of how I can improve my relations with Google plus, please "add me to your circle".  I'm always down to try new platforms and learn more about todays innovative techniques in improving technology and communication efforts.

This video, pretty much sums up my feelings.  haha.  What do you think?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Presentation Project: To Write Love on Her Arms

So this week I finished up my presentation on the organization "To Write Love on Her Arms" (TWLOHA).  I have to say that this presentation was something new to me.  As a Public Relations major, I usually have a lot more time to present and it was quite the challenge to engage an audience, but it was a fun challenge.  I used no bullet points and wanted to focus on the dark beauty of the organization.

If you haven't actually had a chance to check out this organization, I highly suggest that you do so.  I've been involved with their message and story since I was in high school and love the way that a small non-profit like TWLOHA is becoming so global.

The main focus I wanted to get across in my presentation was that this organization isn't just doing things that are beneficial to people and society, but their branding and overall message creates a solid business structure.  They have a trendy, cool aspect about them and that's one of the main reasons I wanted to get involved with this organization.  A successful organization or business should be able to sell itself on a daily basis.  TWLOHA focuses more on the younger generation and forces people to get involved with what they are doing.

When evaluating myself, I think that I met the requirements necessary in getting the message across through the usage of images and video media.  I think that music, if not used properly, adds way to much noise to a presentation, so I wanted to focus on that aspect.  I related the presentation to a company and demonstrated, very quickly, the importance of what the organization was doing and how a company should look at that message and run with it.  It's not stealing, it's an influence.

As the great Steven Tyler, frontman of Aerosmith, once said "Everyone steals from one another.  You just have to learn how to make it your own, so that person who you stole from wants to steal from you."

I also had the pleasure of viewing Samantha Mauder's powerpoint presentation on Disney.  She didn't really present it from a business standpoint, but I appreciated learning more about a company's diversity and how it branded itself as "a place where a kid, can be a kid."  If you think about it, Disney made being a kid okay at any age.  I personally think that Disney rips off the working class, but that is the business of making money I guess.  But we're getting off topic...

In conclusion,  I feel that my presentation was enjoyable and presented in a newer, modern approach.  It's definitely not to the standards of a TED performance, but I always look at myself as an improving character in the presentation world.

Here is the link to my presentation.  I hope you enjoy and I look forward to hearing from you.
TWLOHA Presentation


David Cole

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Cloud: Blog 7 (Clear)

I have to say it's rather fascinating how computing has evolved in the past 40 years.  How did we go from a computer taking up an entire room, to being able to communicate and access information in our hands.  I found this week's set of lectures to be extremely entertaining and awarding.  I think that cloud computing is the best way to improve the economy.  Not only can small businesses begin competing with larger corporations, it just simply puts a little more power into the people of youth.

Google and Gmail has been a substantial part of my learning and managing time.  Without the use of "Google Docs" I would have to constantly go back to writing e-mails with group members and edit large research reports.  With the development of cloud computing, I can now do this important communication at my own time, allowing me more time to accomplish other tasks.

I think it's really important that we the people of today's society, not forget to communicate face-to-face, but it's also important to utilize today's technology to the fullest extent.  My favorite part of this weeks lectures was when we focused on Platforms as a service, Desktops as a service, and Software as a service.  I think it's important that you notice that Saas is beneficial because you can everything at your fingertips with a monthly purchase.  One of the most annoying things about previous software, in my opinion, were the constant updates.  I hated having to get expansion packs or buy another $50 software, for a simple update.  I also liked how every 10 years, we have a substantial increase in computer technology.  As Professor Olson stated in his lecture, every 10 years there has been a computing cycle that requires a new platform.

o   1960’s--- mainframe computing
o   1970’s---mini computing
o   1980’s—client/server computing
o   1990’s—Desktop Cloud computing
o   2000’s—mobile cloud computing
o   2010’s—social revolution…based on the cloud! (Post PC Era)

I also really enjoyed how small 27-person companies are making a difference in the way they compete in the market by using cloud-based technology.  I really want to explore more options in improving a companies branding and I think that having great, easy-to-use software for you customers is extremely beneficial, considering most people in today's society are beginning to migrate to that type of communication and interface.  

This was also a really cool cloud-based software that I found interesting and made me understand cloud computing a little better.  Let me know what you think!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Software (clear): Blog 6

I have to say that Software programmers have to be some of the most underrated people in the world...well the ones that are extremely successful (Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerburg) really make up for it.  I couldn't believe how much effort and code needs to be organized in order to perform at a quick and successful rate.

One part of this week's lectures that I really enjoyed was the part where professor Olson spoke about the "layer cake".  I thought it was cool how the four parts, consisting of user, application, operating software, and hardware worked together on an independent level to be a well-oiled machine.  It was also amazing to look into how software reacts effectively with computers and how interfaces are becoming more similar in order to keep up with competition.

One of the things I love about Apple products, are their simplicity.  I grew up, like a majority of others probably taking this class, on a window's interface.  In the old days of "macintosh" I couldn't understand how people could actually enjoy that style of computer software.  Windows was quicker, sexier and to some extent, better.  Now, Apple is way ahead of its game.  They have a lot more efficiency and are a lot easier to use.  I really enjoy that Apple and Windows are on the same playing field, and this does a lot for competition.  The better the competition, the more expansive and creative your company and brand becomes.  Having a computer that is comfortable to your lifestyle, will not only make you work better, but it improves your way of life.  When I first got my Macbook Pro, I fell in love with how simple it was to organize my files, and how much "easier" college became.  I took notes at a more effective rate, organized my contacts and schedules, and have a vaster amount of storage data than I ever had on a Windows platform.  But we're getting of topic.  :)

One of the most fascinating aspects of the new age of software is how global it is becoming.  Having various programmers work on software like Facebook, Twitter and even Foursquare is beyond me.  How do people learn to become so expansive and creative in giving people in today's society, what they want and somehow, need?

It seems that these software programmers are constantly pushing the envelope, and I found it really funny how in this weeks lessons, we go straight into various types of licensing.  But in this video, are programmers who wish to work for Facebook, being ethical and "respectful" to fellow programmers?  Every year, the company hosts "Hackathons" where various programmers compete and build unique forms of codes to produce a different style of program or "computer art" to prove themselves to the company in hopes for a job.  How is what they are doing ethical and how can we as americans still be following the law, in order to achieve the next technological advance?  I guess that is something that we will just leave to the politicians.  Let me know what you think?  Do you think the greats of the past 20 years would have been more expansive if they pushed the envelope illegally?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Blog 5: Presentations(Clear)

As a Public Relations major, I have given approximately 8,000,000 presentations.  Although, I have to say that the thing that is most exciting about presentations, is there is always room for improvement.

The Heath Brothers, are some of the most influential presenters I have ever got the pleasure of listening too, and their book, Made to Stick (which I described in my previous blog), was one of the better books i've read in my lifetime.  I think that powerpoint is beginning to be a tad out of date, but there are explosive ways to capture more attention.

In professor Means videos, I liked how she broke down the issue with bullet points.  It seems that everyone I come in contact with, only knows how to present in this mindset.  I really enjoyed the presentation/comedy routine that Don Mcmillan provided.  People were laughing hysterically, but as a current college student, I see these mistakes all the time.  The saddest part is, i've been a victim to committing these "crimes", time and time again.

Some other aspects of the videos that I liked was the usages of typology.  That is something that I've never really payed a lot of attention to, but I will definitely take it more into consideration in my future endeavors.  Nancy Duarte is also a great influence on today's society with her imaginative presentations and books.  I actually own two of her books and recommend that anyone wanting to improve the visual aspects of their presentations, to read her books.  All of them are essential and important.

Here is a link to one of my favorite presenters of all time, Jason Sadler, who I had the pleasure of seeing and meeting here at UF last year.  He is the Owner and creator of the company "I Wear Your Shirt."  The company uses various sources of blogs/presentations to give an "emotional image" to a brand.  He really puts a face on many company's brands and his presentations are hilarious, hip and extremely smart.

Thanks for reading this week.  If you have any links to cool presenters that are possible similar to Sadler, or have someone that is explosive in your opinion, please post a link here.


David Cole

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Blog 4 Clear: Porter's five Forces/Challenging society

I really enjoyed the video portion on Michael E. Porter's five competitive forces that shape strategy.  I think it's interesting that there is a broken down analysis on competition and it makes sense that competitive forces from rivalry within an industry effects the overall outcome of the forces.

It's also interesting how attractiveness and "sexiness" is the overall reason industries seem to profit.  An unattractive industry is when all 5 of the forces act to decrease overall income.  An industry that is extremely unattractive would be an organization that is thriving on pure competition, which makes other profits for organizations propelled to normal profit.

I think that it's important to recognize competition and it is a driving "force" that allows the mind to expand and become more involved with profit and overall outcomes of ideas.  It's also extremely intense, which is the importance of competitive rivalries.  Being innovative and competing with companies via the internet and in human form, are the most important aspects of competition.

Organizing, to some extent, is important but many companies find that they cannot be as innovative or competitive if they don't have the best financial investment.  Becoming a powerful member of competitive strategy is essential to a company's growth and improvement of branding.  Without a substantial brand, a company cannot prosper, and that's why it's so important to stay on top of rival competition.

A book, that professors Means and Olson recommended "Made to Stick" is actually one of my favorite books i've read focusing on a business perspective of improving an image and presenting yourself to be larger than you are.

Following a guideline of "SUCCES" is essential in improving a brand and being "memorable".

  • Simple--  Being simple captures attention.  I like to view society as simple, and the more simple you are when presenting, the more communication and attraction you obtain.  
  • Unexpected-  Taking risks is important when evaluating a brand and making it more available to society.  As Bill Gates and Steve Jobs illustrated in their video, taking risks and challenging competitors was the main reason they were so successful at what they did in the building of the computer business.  
  • Concrete--  Being concrete is important because you need to get the point across.  
  • Credible-- Credible comes with the improvement of your brand and being truthful and honest is the best way to improve your credibility to society.  
  • Emotional-- capturing a consumer or target public can be easily obtained with helping them relate to your product or brand.  Make them feel like your brand is more important, because you have a face (charity etc) that you want to improve the future for.  
  • Stories-- Like emotional, get them engaged and inspired.  Tell stories of how your brand has improved and focus on individuals within the company that strive to make that difference.  

I find that the more involved you are with your company/brand the more other's will get involved.  Providing positive forms of Corporate Social Responsibility and leadership are important variables that can help a company  improve and prosper.  Just doing it successfully, is a whole new outlook.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Week 3 Blog: Networking: Clear

From the day you're born, until the day you die, you're always networking," my aunt always said.  As the overall head of internal affairs, with a large company, she has always been involved with networking, and said that social media has played a major role in increasing and improving her contacts.

It's pretty amazing how someone like Ashton Kutcher can communicate with millions of followers on Twitter by the click of a button, whereas 20 years ago, that seemed like something out of a science fiction novel.

As Professor Olsen said, mobile devices make us so much more productive and fantastic.  I've always had a clear perception of how important it is to be highly involved with networking, but these devices make it not only necessary, but now, mandatory.

As a Public Relations major, I have learned various styles and ways to improve social networking and how to persuade the public to become associated with your company and brand.

I'm amazed by how quickly mobile phones have improved and it was interesting to see the differences between 3G and 4G, which Professor Olsen demonstrated in his Networking lecture.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) was one of the more fascinating parts of the lecture and I did some more research on the subject.  How people on the net intercept data and transmitting private files is astounding and scary.  Installing various amounts of software and running the software to connect to home networks, was something I never heard of, and thought was really cool.

I'm really interested in seeing what kinds of technology we will have in the next 20 years.

This is extremely random, but check out this style of technology and improvements the military is taking to improve a solider's activity while fighting abroad.

The "Real" Iron Man

Blog: Week 2 "Personal Computer"-Clear

I have to say, after watching Professor Olsen strip apart that desktop, it really made me interested in how a computer really works.  I've always been very involved with technology, especially in storage.  I'm a pack-rat when it comes to having mass amounts of information, but I simply hate a slow computer.  I enjoyed learning about the different ways to improve speed, memory and overall techniques in how to have a fast computer, yet obtain vast amounts of data.

I currently have a 1 TB external hard drive that I love.  Pretty much every type of movie, music data or document that I'm not using at the current moment, is located on that device.  It's simply brilliant how technology has come as far as it has, from the vacuums tube, to smart phones.  I also found it amazing that a majority of the world will be communicating via smart phones by majority in 2014.

I was very muddy on how a computer actually works, but now I have a steady understanding and interest in making my computer perform better in the near future.  I have a MacBook Pro at the moment, and it was the best purchase I ever made.  I now understand why computers are more expensive than others, and why it's so important to be on top of keeping them up-to-speed.

Another really cool lecture, that was similar to professor Olsens, was this one.  I thought that the animation was really intriguing and also thought that the demonstration really made it easier for new computer nerds to get more involved, haha.  Go ahead, Check it out.  Let me know what you think. CrucialMemory Channel

Thanks for reading,
