Sunday, March 25, 2012

Filemaker Pro (Muddy) Week 10

I have to say that I appreciate learning about organizing databases, but these programs can be difficult to get started with.  I enjoyed analyzing data, learning about producing queries, which are ways to view the info from certain data sets.  Database software makes the process of isolating data easy, but the queries are still a bit strange when it comes to productivity.  

The reports sections were better in my opinion.  It looked more professional and after it's all analyzed and broken down, it is easier to work with.  There are several options of data that help you set up the report, but I wish it was easier to work with. 

There is no limitations on how information can be organized, sorted or displayed to produce a productive satisfaction the user.  I look forward to furthering my skills in database software, and building a more aware knowledge will defiantly help me in the long run.  

After I went through professor Olson's lectures, I did some more research and found this video, which was helpful in furthering my experience.  

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