Sunday, April 8, 2012

Telecommunications and the internet (Clear)

I have to say that I thought I knew a lot about the internet, but this weeks informative lectures were extremely beneficial to me better understanding its beautiful complexity.  The thing about the internet being a group of large networks that are connected to gain more visitors was astounding, and how we have more information online than people is just crazy to me.  It was interesting to learn about the access providers and how many different types of companies profit from the Internet.

I'm a big fan of seeing how far society has come and when the first form of computing was introduced in the 1950's I am just astonished by how far we have come.  It's hard to believe that just 20 years ago, the internet made it's debut and I can't even tell you how we, today's society, could even imagine life without it.

I really appreciated learning more in-depth basics on URL, various protocols, and how IP addresses work.  I found that we have no privacy online whatsoever, and it was cool to see how the process of the internet works through a simple click of a button.  I also knew very little about "cookies" and it was interesting to see how using cookies is beneficial to some extent, but can also be very annoying as well.  I now know why when I make purchases online, my financial information is already updated.  This made me a little more cautious of how I should post my information.  It have gotten lazy in recent years, posting a lot of really personal information, when looking back, that may have been a bad idea.

I really enjoyed the videos that professor means posted throughout the interface.  The short video breaking down the history of the internet was really cool and I appreciated that visualization.  I also found that 4G, apparently doesn't exist yet, and I felt dumb for that one, lol.

Overall, this week was really informative and made me appreciate what we take for granted.  I look for to the innovative advances in technology and hope that the process is successful and becomes safer for tomorrow's youth.

This is a cool video on the next 10 years in technology by google.  Wow, what will they think of next?

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