Sunday, January 22, 2012

Blog: Week 2 "Personal Computer"-Clear

I have to say, after watching Professor Olsen strip apart that desktop, it really made me interested in how a computer really works.  I've always been very involved with technology, especially in storage.  I'm a pack-rat when it comes to having mass amounts of information, but I simply hate a slow computer.  I enjoyed learning about the different ways to improve speed, memory and overall techniques in how to have a fast computer, yet obtain vast amounts of data.

I currently have a 1 TB external hard drive that I love.  Pretty much every type of movie, music data or document that I'm not using at the current moment, is located on that device.  It's simply brilliant how technology has come as far as it has, from the vacuums tube, to smart phones.  I also found it amazing that a majority of the world will be communicating via smart phones by majority in 2014.

I was very muddy on how a computer actually works, but now I have a steady understanding and interest in making my computer perform better in the near future.  I have a MacBook Pro at the moment, and it was the best purchase I ever made.  I now understand why computers are more expensive than others, and why it's so important to be on top of keeping them up-to-speed.

Another really cool lecture, that was similar to professor Olsens, was this one.  I thought that the animation was really intriguing and also thought that the demonstration really made it easier for new computer nerds to get more involved, haha.  Go ahead, Check it out.  Let me know what you think. CrucialMemory Channel

Thanks for reading,


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