Sunday, January 22, 2012

Week 3 Blog: Networking: Clear

From the day you're born, until the day you die, you're always networking," my aunt always said.  As the overall head of internal affairs, with a large company, she has always been involved with networking, and said that social media has played a major role in increasing and improving her contacts.

It's pretty amazing how someone like Ashton Kutcher can communicate with millions of followers on Twitter by the click of a button, whereas 20 years ago, that seemed like something out of a science fiction novel.

As Professor Olsen said, mobile devices make us so much more productive and fantastic.  I've always had a clear perception of how important it is to be highly involved with networking, but these devices make it not only necessary, but now, mandatory.

As a Public Relations major, I have learned various styles and ways to improve social networking and how to persuade the public to become associated with your company and brand.

I'm amazed by how quickly mobile phones have improved and it was interesting to see the differences between 3G and 4G, which Professor Olsen demonstrated in his Networking lecture.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) was one of the more fascinating parts of the lecture and I did some more research on the subject.  How people on the net intercept data and transmitting private files is astounding and scary.  Installing various amounts of software and running the software to connect to home networks, was something I never heard of, and thought was really cool.

I'm really interested in seeing what kinds of technology we will have in the next 20 years.

This is extremely random, but check out this style of technology and improvements the military is taking to improve a solider's activity while fighting abroad.

The "Real" Iron Man

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