Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Google Plus (extra Credit): I'm not a big fan

I've heard a lot about Google + over the past year, but I have to say, it's nothing more than a glamorized twitter and Facebook combination.

I explored the social networking site to see the main differences, and in my opinion, I can't really tell you what's so great about it.  Pulling people into your "circle" is almost the same as adding them as a friend in the first place.  I think this would have been more uplifting and successful if it would have built a better marketing campaign.

I know that Google is the best search engine in the world, but this company flopped in trying to keep up with a large social media outlet like Facebook.  The thing about Facebook that has been so amazing is that when it was keeping up with Myspace, it focused on staying simple and didn't copy Myspace's interface.  It focused on people building connections.  I think that the main reason people are so upset with Facebook is because it has gotten so global.  People need to understand that when they sign in to a social media site, it is becoming public, which can be dangerous.  If you feel the need to say something when you're drunk, angry etc., you need to realize that that form of action can lead to consequences.

I have been a Facebook subscriber for about 5 years now and it has somewhat taken over not only my life, but the way everyone communicates.  It's becoming a trend.  It's easier to "Facebook" someone before you get phone numbers.  It's a way to introduce your friends to co-workers and build a better form of communication in your spare time.

As far as the poll goes, I think a lot of people were simply excited about the "new" platform.  Everything that google does is spectacular and I think since their branding is so positive, many new people wanted to believe that Google Plus was going to be just as successful.  Facebook works and I don't really see a reason to try to compete with it right now.  Eventually, like every other social media outlet, this will become boring and new platform will begin to merge into the internet trend.

I think that Google just came out too early.  They should pull back and begin planning and brainstorming new ways that they can be extremely different and also figure out a way to market their product to compete with the mega giant, Facebook.  Most of the people that chose Google Plus over Facebook were haters.  Haters are obviously going to look elsewhere.

It's very similar to liking a sport.  You have your baseball fans and football fans.  Sure there are going to be people that are open minded and like both sports, but there is always going to be that one fan that wants to hate or argue why one is better than the other.  There is never going to be a "perfect" platform, but it's important to realize that sometimes you have to give one site it's glory and be patient with your future products.

Google made millions upon millions of dollars last year and has been around way longer than Facebook.  You (Google) had your turn.  Don't be the next most hated company on the internet.  That's a great way to lose your branding.  cough cough (Metallica vs. Napster).

If you have any suggestions of how I can improve my relations with Google plus, please "add me to your circle".  I'm always down to try new platforms and learn more about todays innovative techniques in improving technology and communication efforts.

This video, pretty much sums up my feelings.  haha.  What do you think?

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