Monday, February 6, 2012

Blog 5: Presentations(Clear)

As a Public Relations major, I have given approximately 8,000,000 presentations.  Although, I have to say that the thing that is most exciting about presentations, is there is always room for improvement.

The Heath Brothers, are some of the most influential presenters I have ever got the pleasure of listening too, and their book, Made to Stick (which I described in my previous blog), was one of the better books i've read in my lifetime.  I think that powerpoint is beginning to be a tad out of date, but there are explosive ways to capture more attention.

In professor Means videos, I liked how she broke down the issue with bullet points.  It seems that everyone I come in contact with, only knows how to present in this mindset.  I really enjoyed the presentation/comedy routine that Don Mcmillan provided.  People were laughing hysterically, but as a current college student, I see these mistakes all the time.  The saddest part is, i've been a victim to committing these "crimes", time and time again.

Some other aspects of the videos that I liked was the usages of typology.  That is something that I've never really payed a lot of attention to, but I will definitely take it more into consideration in my future endeavors.  Nancy Duarte is also a great influence on today's society with her imaginative presentations and books.  I actually own two of her books and recommend that anyone wanting to improve the visual aspects of their presentations, to read her books.  All of them are essential and important.

Here is a link to one of my favorite presenters of all time, Jason Sadler, who I had the pleasure of seeing and meeting here at UF last year.  He is the Owner and creator of the company "I Wear Your Shirt."  The company uses various sources of blogs/presentations to give an "emotional image" to a brand.  He really puts a face on many company's brands and his presentations are hilarious, hip and extremely smart.

Thanks for reading this week.  If you have any links to cool presenters that are possible similar to Sadler, or have someone that is explosive in your opinion, please post a link here.


David Cole

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